Full lockdown introduced in Turkey

27 April 2021, 11:37 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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Due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the country from April 29 to May 17, Turkey will have a full lockdown. This was announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a televised address following a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the country, the Anadolu news agency reports.. " He added that in accordance with the new epidemiological measures, intercity travel will only be possible with a permit, and intercity transport will only operate at 50 percent load.. With the exception of organizations that are not subject to the relevant directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all business entities suspend their activities.

According to the President of Turkey, full-time classes will be suspended in all schools, and all exams will be postponed.. In addition, retail chains will be closed on Sundays, and on other days they will only be open during certain hours.. The head of state called on the population to strictly follow the prescribed rules so that the situation could be brought under control as soon as possible.. “We must quickly reduce the number of infections to less than 5 thousand. Otherwise, we will face the consequences in all areas, from tourism to trade and education, ”he warned..

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