A 97-year-old tennis player was vaccinated in Kharkiv

31 March 2021, 05:46 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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In the Kharkiv region, vaccination against COVID-19 continues. To date, 6169 people have received vaccinations in the region.

So, yesterday 380 citizens were vaccinated, reported in the Department of Health of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration.

Now the first and second stages of vaccination are underway. The second stage includes public health workers, social workers and people over 80 years old.. As well as military and patrol police.

“As of 12:00, 200 people have already been vaccinated today,” said Igor Volchenko, Acting Director of the Health Department of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration..

Today, 97-year-old Kharkiv resident Leonid Stanislavsky was vaccinated on the basis of the Kharkiv Regional Hospital. Despite his venerable age, the man is actively involved in sports.. I did not doubt the need to get vaccinated.

" I am 97 years old. I ride the subway and go shopping. Therefore, I want to protect myself and play tennis calmly.. And in general - I count every day. People younger than me say: thank you, another year has passed, and I say: thank you, another day has passed. Now I have been vaccinated and I feel absolutely normal. "

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