A few seconds to determine the coronavirus: the British have developed a new test

02 November 2020, 17:40 | The Company
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Breathing tests to detect various types of diseases, especially the respiratory system, have been developed for many years.. They are being used, for example, to detect lung cancer and diabetes..

Writes about this URA-Inform with reference to the British media.

Wales-based Imspex Diagnostics previously conducted research on tests designed to detect lung cancer and distinguish between bacterial and viral respiratory diseases..

When the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus spread around the world, causing a pandemic, it was decided to focus on this pathogen.

The test works by detecting volatile chemicals that form in the exhaled air of COVID-19 patients. The test is accurate enough to distinguish this disease from other respiratory infections of bacterial and viral origin, as well as asthma.

If the company that developed it receives financial assistance, the test can be operational within six months.

We previously reported on how long antibodies to COVID-19 persist..

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