The richest man in the world lost $ 7 billion per day: what contributed to the fall

30 October 2020, 01:04 | The Company
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The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and the founder of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk also suffered colossal losses of their fortune.. Businessmen lost 5.75 billion and 4.24 billion dollars, respectively.

Zuckerberg and Musk are currently ranked fourth and third in BBI's billionaire ranking.. The second place is occupied by the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, his losses, in comparison, with the rest were not so much. He lost $ 2.3 billion in a day.

Together, the wealth of the ten richest people in the world fell by $ 34 billion in a day.

Earlier it became known that the senior financial analyst of the ICU group Taras Kotovich shared his expert opinion on what to expect from the exchange rate by the end of the month.

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