In "

20 October 2020, 16:31 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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So, it became clear that Aeroflot employees, who were smuggling gadgets from the United States of America, transported Apple equipment worth more than $ 50 million.

Company employees acted as couriers in the smuggling scheme. Also, not only current employees, but also former employees of the organization took part in this.. Gadgets got into the territory of the Russian Federation illegally, and most of them were considered stolen.

US law enforcement officers have already arrested eight people during a special operation, two more managed to escape.

One of the caught smugglers from August to December 2019 took over 1,000 Apple gadgets from America in just four trips. The cost of the devices is estimated at over one million dollars. Also during the searches, more than $ 600,000 in cash and a huge amount of equipment were seized from the defendants..

Earlier it became known that the AMCU gave permission to JSC "

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