The media told who is behind the unprecedented corruption in the medical forces of Ukraine

13 October 2020, 17:17 | The Company
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While the coronavirus epidemic continues in Ukraine, high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Defense do not deny themselves the desire to make money by purchasing various medical supplies.. For example, you can " And then, when it " For what? It's simple - and continue to "

Such conclusions can be drawn from the documents that were at the disposal of OBOZREVATEL.

On August 20, 2020, employees of the Security Service of Ukraine exposed a corruption scheme worth 1 million UAH, which was organized by the Medical Troops of Ukraine during the procurement of medical masks for the Ukrainian military as part of the fight against coronavirus. The defendants in the scheme were caught red-handed: during the transmission of the last part of the millionth kickback - 600 thousand. hryvnias.

It is known that on April 30, Riverside Group LLC won a tender for the supply of medical masks for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On May 5, between him and the command of the Medical Troops of Ukraine, an agreement was concluded for the supply of 1 million 250 thousand. masks in the amount of 8 million 175 thousand. hryvnias. Two days later, the head of the enterprise was given a condition that as a gratitude he must pay 1 million UAH. The money was to be transferred directly to the heads of the Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

" For this, the entrepreneur was promised to ensure victory in an open tender, "

The entrepreneur went to the " UAH - August 17 and the second - 598 thousand. - August 19. On the same day, at the time of receiving a bribe, the extortionists were detained by the SBU.

According to the information collected as part of operational activities, the direct executor and organizer of the scheme was the head of the Medical Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Vitaly Furdyk, his chief, commander of the Medical Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Igor Khomenko, endorsed the agreements with his signatures.

The Commission of Inquiry found that Major General of the Medical Service Ihor Khomenko orally instructed Colonel and Director of the Public Procurement Department Volodymyr Gulevich to amend the draft order of the Ministry of Defense and contrary to Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine " And the authorized person to carry out the purchases themselves instead of Koba Tatiana, who is the head of the hardware department of defense procurement of the entire Ministry of Defense, in violation of the law, to appoint Colonel Vitaly Furdyk from the military medical department and part-time subordinate of Khomenko. After all, only employees of the apparatus staff of the Ministry of Defense, and not the military administration, where Furdyk is listed, could carry out such purchases. After the appointment, Furdyk began to lead them.

This means that, apart from him and, possibly, several subordinates, no one else could have known about the purchase of a millionth batch of masks.. But the investigation found that two more people were involved in the scheme.. This is an official of the State Inspectorate for Energy Supervision and an intermediary between the Ministry of Defense and the company that sold the masks..

From OBOZREVATEL sources it became known that Defense Minister Andrei Taran was hardly aware of this corruption scheme. The publication notes that after learning about the " He was in full at the disposal of OBOZREVATEL, which publishes the conclusion reached by the commission of the Ministry of Defense.

The following item is listed as the main one:.


It is known from OBOZREVATEL's own sources that at present they are trying to rewrite this Internal Investigation Act so that the perpetrators avoid responsibility.. This puts unprecedented pressure on the Defense Inspector General.

" Switchmen and performers will receive suspended sentences, while real beneficiaries will continue to work in the Armed Forces system and steal millions of our taxes.. If the Act is signed in the current first edition, most likely, the intermediaries and performers will sit down. Since they do not want to sit, they will be forced to start cooperating with the investigation, speak and give valuable testimony. So there will be more chances that the real beneficiaries and corrupt officials will be punished, "

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