Lviv guards warmly welcomed the young replenishment

12 October 2020, 04:35 | The Company
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The first recruits of the fall of 2020 began to arrive at the 2nd Galician Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. Young men from the Kirovograd region arrived in Lviv. It is here that a two-month training awaits them, after which they will be distributed for further military service in the cities where the brigade is deployed in Uzhgorod, Rivne, Ternopil and Lvov. In total, more than 200 recruits will arrive in the National Guard brigade. All of them will undergo a six-week general course, then they will be sworn in allegiance to the Ukrainian people.. After her, the boys will be trained for another two weeks directly in the units.

Some of them will be involved in the implementation of tasks to maintain public order, some in escort, extradition, protection of the defendants and convicts. But it's all ahead. Today they just arrived at the brigade, got acquainted with the living conditions, traditionally visited the bathhouse, put on uniforms for the first time and tasted the guards dishes. As noted in the brigade, all the guys, as one, said that they want to serve and it is in the National Guard.

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