War in Donbass: how the enemy behaves, data for October 8

08 October 2020, 10:53 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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So for yesterday, October 7, the militants once violated the silence. In the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of OTU " In response to the fire provocation of the enemy, the Ukrainian servicemen did not use weapons.. There are also no combat losses and injuries among the Ukrainian defenders.

Writes about this URA-Inform with reference to the press service of the OOS.

" So, over the past day, the military personnel of the Armed Forces, together with the firefighters of the DSNS, extinguished fires near the settlements of Major, Khutor Volny, Stanitsa Luganskaya, Lugansk and Popasnaya. Elimination of localized fires near Bolotennoye and Katerinovka continues, "

Since the beginning of the day on October 8, no violations by the enemy have been recorded, the militants have not opened fire.

Previously, the former commander of the US forces in Europe, retired Lieutenant General Ben Hodges did not rule out that the conflict in the Donbas could be frozen.

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