France will ban the use of wild animals in circuses and aquariums

30 September 2020, 21:41 | The Company
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French Environment Minister announced a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses and aquariums. It will be gradually introduced across the country, AFAR reports..

“The time has come to usher in a new era in our relationship with [wild] animals,” the ministry said.. And added that animal welfare is a priority.

For example, French aquariums have already been banned from bringing dolphins and killer whales, traveling circuses - to use bears, tigers, lions, elephants and other animals for performances, and mink farms - to breed animals for fur. People who work there and are ready to quit are offered to pay compensation and help in finding a new job.

It is not yet known when the ban will fully enter into force. The country's authorities hope that the transition process will start "

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