Quarantine in Ukraine: a new completion date has become known

25 August 2020, 18:13 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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At a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the situation with the spread of coronavirus, it was noted that quarantine measures could be extended until the end of November.

URA-Inform writes about this with reference to the press service of the President's Office.

" Small and medium-sized businesses should be able to properly organize their work in the new conditions, "

Recall that for the first time quarantine in Ukraine was introduced back in March, when the first cases of coronavirus infection were recorded. At the same time, since August 1, an adaptive quarantine has been in effect in the country, and each region of the country has been divided into "

We previously reported that the number of cases of coronavirus infection in Europe is increasing.

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