Patients can meet pets at a Canadian hospital

15 August 2020, 18:21 | The Company
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Practice has shown that animals not only cheer up, but also help improve the condition of seriously ill patients..

The program was launched by Donna Jenkins at Jurawinski Hospital in Hamilton. Donna's nephew was terminally ill. 25-year-old Zachary asked his aunt to bring his dogs to the hospital. The young man was very happy to meet four-legged friends.

“Before he died, he took my word that if one of the patients of Jurawinski wants to see his pet, they will have such an opportunity,” Donna said, quoted by ntdtv..

Donna Jenkins kept her word and formed the organization Zachary's Paws For Healing (" It is the first and only organization in Canada to implement a pet visitation program for its owners..

In addition, volunteers of the organization take care of the animals of the elderly in the hospital..

There are some simple rules for such visits: animals must be clean, healthy and rested.. They are not allowed to contact other patients. The visit lasts about an hour.

“Animals love their owners unconditionally. It doesn't matter how you look or if your pipes are sticking out, they love you no matter what, ”said Donna Jenkins.

“I think visiting pets is a good medicine for their owners,” said one of the patients..

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