Compulsory quarantine period reduced to 12 days in Georgia

15 August 2020, 15:08 | The Company
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Mandatory quarantine and isolation period in Georgia reduced from 14 to 12 days. The corresponding amendments were made to the government decree of May 23 "

According to the amendments, 12-day quarantine is mandatory for persons arriving in the country from the occupied territories (Abkhazia and South Ossetia) or from foreign countries, as well as for citizens who have come into contact with infected.

The term can be reduced only if the person remained in self-isolation before being placed in the quarantine zone.

All arrivals will have to provide the results of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coronavirus test no later than 72 hours before travel. Citizens who will not be transferred to quarantine areas will have to undergo PCR tests every 72 hours for 12 days.

At the same time, the decree states that foreign citizens will pay for testing themselves. The only exceptions will be those who, during the first test, will have antibodies to coronavirus. They won't need further testing.

Today, about 7.6 thousand citizens are in quarantine in Georgia.

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