Former Stutthof concentration camp guard received a suspended sentence

25 July 2020, 07:33 | The Company
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Bruno D, a former security guard at the Stutthof Nazi concentration camp. (Bruno D. ), who is now 93, on Thursday 23 July, was sentenced to a two-year suspended prison sentence by the Hamburg Regional Court under juvenile law..

At the time of the crime, in 1944-1945, Bruno D. was 17-18 years old. The prosecution demanded three years in prison for him, considering him involved in the murder of 5,232 people and the attempted murder of another person. According to the prosecutor, knowing what was happening in the concentration camp, the young man had to refuse to serve there and ask to serve in the Wehrmacht. Lawyers Bruno D. on the contrary, they sought his acquittal.

In his last word, the defendant, who was brought to the hearing in a wheelchair, apologized for what he had done and said that this should never happen again.. However, he added that he did not submit a voluntary application for service in the SS and in a concentration camp. He was " quoted by DW.

The Stutthof concentration camp was located in occupied Poland near Gdansk. During World War II, the Nazis held more than a hundred thousand prisoners there in horrific conditions, mostly Jews.. It is estimated today that about 65,000 people were tortured in this camp..

Bruno D trial. , who served in the concentration camp as a guard on the towers located around the perimeter of the territory and, apparently, did not take direct part in the murders, began in October 2019.

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