The Italian parliament has adopted a number of interesting measures that should increase the birth rate in the country

22 July 2020, 02:19 | The Company
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The main innovation is the mandatory child support. From the 7th month of the mother's pregnancy to the age of 18, families will be paid up to 240 euros per month for the first child, depending on the family's income. For the second and subsequent children, families will receive up to 290 euros per month. At the request of the family, direct payments can be replaced with tax deductions.

In addition to these payments, young families will be able to receive compensation for the costs of a nursery or a nanny - up to 3 thousand euros per month.

In addition, maternity leave for young fathers will be guaranteed. Young dads will get 10 days of leave immediately after the birth of the child. Until now, the duration of parental leave in Italy was 5 days, and employers could not provide it. And for young mothers who return to work after maternity leave, additional payments to the salary are assumed (the amount of payments and their duration has not yet been specified).

The package of these measures will come into force in 2 years, Europulse notes..

Italian authorities hope that these innovations will stimulate Italians to have children earlier. According to Eurostat, Italians become mothers later than residents of other EU countries - at 31.2 years (EU average - at 28.8 years). In addition, in Italy, the birth rate averages 1.3 children per woman, while in the European Union - 1.6 (and in Russia - almost 1.

8 according to Rosstat). As a result, Italy has a high proportion of retirees, that is, a heavy burden on the pension system and working generations.

Last year, the EU passed a law obliging employers to give young fathers 10 days of leave, as well as the opportunity to choose a flexible schedule for family employees and an additional 5 days to leave.. By the end of 2021, EU countries must amend their national legislation in order to comply with common European requirements.

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