The prices of the military registration and enlistment offices of the Kherson region have become known for "

21 July 2020, 22:48 | The Company
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In the Kherson region, while taking a bribe, an employee of the Novovorontsovskiy-Vysokopolskiy united district military commissariat was detained. This was reported by the press service of the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Kherson garrison of the southern region of Ukraine.

" an employee of the commissariat, the chief specialist of the recruitment department, demanded from citizen D. 15,000 hryvnia bribes "

The prosecutor's office noted that investigative actions are now being carried out, it is planned to conduct searches at the place of work of the detainee.

" 3 st. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and a petition to the court to choose a preventive measure "

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