Pension Fund increases average salary for calculating pensions

14 July 2020, 19:27 | The Company
photo Електронні Вісті
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The Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU) approved the average wage indicator for May in the amount of 9,546 hryvnias 32 kopecks, while in April this figure was 9,332 hryvnias 93 kopecks.

This is stated in the message of the Pension Fund of Ukraine on Facebook.


Thus, in comparison with April, the average salary increased by 220 hryvnias 39 kopecks.

May average salary. Infographics: Facebook / Pension Fund of Ukraine As of July 1, 2020, the average pension is 3,393.54 hryvnias, and more than 10 thousand hryvnias in Ukraine are received by 332,588 people (2.9% of the total number of pensioners). In addition, 62.9% of pensioners receive less than 3000 UAH per month. This was reported by "

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