In Kharkov region, thunderstorms and heavy wind are predicted

13 July 2020, 11:48 | The Company
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July 13 in Kharkov and the weather forecasters forecast thunderstorms, hail in places and heavy wind with gusts of 15-20 m / s. Extreme fire hazard remains in the forests of the region.

This was reported in the Kharkov hydromet center.

According to weather forecasters, July 13 at night in the region expect short rain and temperature from +15 to + 20 °. In the afternoon - rain, thunderstorms and in some places hail. In the city of the region gusts of wind 15-20 m / s.

Daytime air temperature from +26 to + 31 °.

July 14 in the Kharkiv region is expected cloudy weather with clearings, intermittent rain, thunderstorms, hail in places. North-west wind, 7-12 m / s, in places squalls 15-20 m / s. Temperature at night from +14 to + 19 °, during the day to + 24 °.

July 15 forecast cloudy weather with clearings, rain, thunderstorms. North-west wind, 7-12 m / s, gusts in places of 15-20 m / s. Temperature at night from +11 to + 16 °, during the day to + 24 °.

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