Doctors pass out in Kyrgyzstan from fatigue

12 July 2020, 22:33 | The Company
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Bishkek doctors can not cope with the increased load and fainting with fatigue. And they don’t have time to help everyone, said Yegor Borisov, head of the intensive care unit of the Bishkek Emergency Medicine Center.

“The load remains the same high. The number of patients in serious condition is growing. We do not have time to help everyone. And we can not help with hospitalization. From all this hands drop. The teams are working hard, literally swooning from fatigue and heat in suits, ”the doctor wrote on Twitter the day before, July 11.

In Kyrgyzstan, hundreds of people die from pneumonia, while coronavirus statistics do not look scary at all. Either the problem is in the tests, or the virus somehow changed in video, but in all its symptoms this terrible pneumonia is similar to Covid-19, and PCR tests turn out to be negative.

Kyrgyz authorities decide to report daily updates not only on coronavirus, but also on pneumonia.

And the real picture became visible. Over the past day, 7 patients with confirmed coronavirus and 41 people with pneumonia died in the republic. In total, 132 people with coronavirus and 423 with pneumonia died from the onset of the pandemic..

Recall that a similar situation is observed in neighboring Kazakhstan. According to the Minister of Health Alexei Tsoi, in just one week of July in the country there are almost as many cases of pneumonia as in the whole of 2019.

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