Third coronavirus patient dies in Latvia

11 April 2020, 17:06 | The Company
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Another patient infected with Covid-19 dies in Riga East Hospital, writes Delfi. lv.

According to the State Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CPPC), the patient was in the age group of 50 to 60 years. Two weeks ago he was admitted to a hospital, the disease was severe.

In general, three patients infected with Covid-19 died in Latvia. For two more patients who have died outside the hospital, the pathologist’s conclusion on the causes of death is expected.

“Over the last day in Latvia, 18 new cases of Covid-19 were detected, the total number of infected is 630 people,” the CPKZ noted.

On Friday, April 10, 1,140 coronavirus tests were done across the country..

Currently 36 patients are in hospital, 34 of them have Covid-19 in moderate form, and in two - in severe.

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