SBU blocked the sale of military ammunition in the Odessa region

10 December 2019, 23:26 | The Company
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SBU in the Odessa region blocked the illegal sale of military ammunition for firearms.

This is stated in the message of the SBU press center.

" They looked for their clients through personal contacts among representatives of criminal circles, "

SBU operatives recorded the fact that the defendants were carrying out 400 cartridges of 7.62 mm caliber, after which the attackers were detained.

During searches in their premises, another five hundred pieces of ammunition for automatic weapons were seized.

Investigative and operational actions are ongoing to establish and hold accountable all persons involved in illegal activities. Information on the illicit delivery of identified weapons from the area of \u200b\u200boperation of the United Forces is verified.

The measures to expose the attackers were carried out together with police investigators under the procedural guidance of the prosecutor's office of Odessa region.

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