On Wednesday, the tram route will change along Saltovka in Kharkov

26 November 2019, 06:35 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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The movement of trams on pr. Tractor builders in Kharkov, on the site from the Saltovsky headland to the Saltovsky highway, will be banned from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on November 27.

According to the Infrastructure Department, this is due to repair work at the Saltovskaya substation of Kharkivoblenergo AK.

At this time, the trams will run like this:.

No. 16: Zhuravlevsky Hydropark - ul. Shevchenko - st. Moiseevskaya - street. Verinskaya - street. Semigradskaya - street. Academician Pavlov - st. Heroes of Labor - ul. Shevchenko - Zhuravlevsky Hydropark;

No. 16A: Zhuravlevsky Hydropark - ul. Shevchenko - st. Heroes of Labor - ul. Academician Pavlov - st. Semigradskaya - street. Verinskaya - street. Moiseevskaya - street.

Shevchenko - Zhuravlevsky Hydropark;

No. 23: the South-East reversal circle - pr. Moscow - pr. Tractor builders - Saltovskoe highway - 602 m / r;

No. 26: Park them. Gorky - street. Vesnina - ul. Matyushenko - st. Shevchenko - Zhuravlevsky Hydropark;

No. 27: the head circle " Moskalevskaya - street. Goldbergovskaya - st. Dairy - pl. Defenders of Ukraine - pr. Moscow - street. Academician Pavlov - st. Heroes of Labor - ul. Shevchenko - Zhuravlevsky Hydropark;

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