In Kiev on a trans-march detained six participants in a brawl

24 November 2019, 07:32 | The Company
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Police detained 6 people for unlawful actions during the Trans-March on Mikhailovskaya Square in Kiev.

This is stated in the message of the police of Kiev.

As noted, in Mikhailovskaya Square, in accordance with a previously filed application, an action was held by representatives of one of the public organizations in memory of the dead transgender people. In order to ensure order, the police strengthened security measures in the center of the capital.

Opponents of the rally tried to break through the police cordon to stop the event, and arranged a fight with law enforcement.

The six most active participants in the clash were taken to the territorial police department. After clarification of all circumstances, their actions will be given a legal assessment.

The action is dedicated to the International Day of Remembrance of Transgender People Died Due to Transphobia, which is celebrated annually on November 20.

As reported in the media, the organizers said that over the past year in the world 331 people have died due to transphobia in different countries of the world. Ukraine is not included in the list of these countries, however, the organizers are sure that this is due to the closed nature of the transgender community and the lack of adequate data.

The organizers also stated that they require the authorities to update the clinical protocol governing transgender transitions and introduce gender identity into existing anti-discrimination legislation.

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