Guardsmen provide order in the streets of Kharkov

21 November 2019, 23:28 | The Company
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Since August 1 of this year, the National Guard, separately from the police, began patrolling the city, but so far these patrols have caused concern to citizens, and sometimes even give rise to rumors, say the National Guard.

Therefore, they emphasize once again: their main task is to maintain law and order, and not some kind of search activities or trapping of recruits.

Valentin Gubsky, patrol officer Patrol officer to go to the next part of the house, for a whole view there is a special warehouse: officers, goverment of the outfit, for the four civil servants in the four districts are out of order four times a week. Areas determined daily by joint decision with the police. In case of violation, military patrols turn to the police and transfer detainees.

Diana Krasnikova, press officer of the Independent Patrols of the National Guard of Ukraine at the city of Kharkiv, 793 people are littered for a speedy administrative right and 9 - for a speedy criminal right. For the first period, for the first sickle The press officer notes that most often the patrol officers have to deal with drug-related offenses.

Patrol guards differ from their military counterparts in a new dark blue uniform. According to the general trend, in Europe the form of the National Guard is of this color. The new form has several types for all seasons and is more convenient and modern..

Source: ATN.

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