For Dubnevich made 100 million hryvnias of bail, - the lawyer

08 November 2019, 17:33 | The Company
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For the people's deputy Yaroslav Dubnevich, even before the announcement of the decision of the Appeals Chamber of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court, 100 million hryvnias of bail were made. However, the people's deputy was still escorted to jail.

Ukrainian truth reports with reference to the comment of Aleksey Shevchuk.

" Dubnevich yesterday fulfilled the court’s decision " - said Shevchuk.

According to him, NABU employees committed a crime because in court they showed the payment of the deposit, but they still took the people's deputy to the pre-trial detention center. The court decision does not contain a single clause stating that NABU employees are allowed to transfer Dubnevich. Also, the Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center was not indicated in the court decision.


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