In Kiev, recognized a big mistake sniper competitions for children

18 November 2018, 09:06 | The Company
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This is the official portal of Kiev, with reference to the local department of education and science..

Recall that such military competitions for children caused a flurry of indignation and criticism among residents of the capital of Ukraine:.

Vіs'kovo-sports zmagannya vognevo ї p_dgotovki sred uchennіv zavіdіv osvіt Kievє boule included і up to flush zohodіv to Day Gіdnostі i Freedom Pomilkovo. About tsevіdomili at the Department of Economics and Science.

"Zmagannya not assigned to the m. Day of Peace and Freedom and Bulletin included before the transition to the date of the Holy Day.

At the Department, they scooped up the sniper of the capital with a bullet in a spanish manner from the Kiev City Council Commissar and Kiev Partnership of the Defense of Ukraine in 2005.. І vіdbuvayutsya vzhe 14 rokіv pospіl traditionally proyachy zhovtnya-breast.

In the rest of the stadium, you can also watch for dancers for the participation of the Kyiv team of veterans of the ATO and district spillok.

Schooled by the offensive step-by-step and in the format of the organizer.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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