In Hungary, opened a monument to the victims of the Holodomor

18 November 2018, 07:21 | The Company
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In the Hungarian city of Szeged opened a monument to the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-33. This informs the Left Bank with reference to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary.

The opening ceremony of the monument was attended by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Hungary Lyubov Nepop and the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Economy and Foreign Affairs Levent Magyar.

"Ukraine over the past decades has passed even more tests than Hungarians," he said.

The diplomat called the Holodomor an experiment of the Soviet government, which tried to break the Ukrainian people by starving them with hunger.

"Ukraine survived in this test, and in the 90s gained independence; today it is an independent state, which, like the Hungarians, can hope for a happier future. History has proved that the Ukrainian people are so strong not to go against someone in order to strengthen their own identity, "said the Secretary.

As the ambassador of Ukraine, Lyubov Nepop, noted on her Facebook page, the monument was erected in the center of Szeged on Dome Square in the park of the central cathedral, in the territory that belongs to the world cultural heritage.

"For me personally, it was deeply symbolic in today's grand opening that Ukrainian and Hungarian officers took part in it together," she wrote.

"I believe that in all other life situations we will also stand side by side, together honoring the victims of the tragedies of the past, counteracting the current and preventing future threats," the ambassador added.

Nepop Liuba.

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