The press service of the 44th artillery brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports on its page on the social network:.
Karen Gevorkian, at his 10 years old, would like to catch the spells of his husbands, to add to the fires, to harbor the land on the shores of Ukraine, even in the hearts of the young patriot live in two lands, to marry the history of the people who beat their martial arts, they beat the two lands, and for the sake of the history of the people, they beat them and they beat them.. The young Patriarch of Kiwi was born, the Grade 4 of the 4th class of Kiyevo - Pechersky, the Liceum N 171 “Leader”, successfully played football at the Dynamo school of Kyivsky, in the Scaffolding World, all the world, I did draw, we did draw the arts.. Scorch є the fact that sco kti, yakі trivaly hour zaschadzhuvav vіn virishiv vitratiti on the parchment bіytsyam, this rank p_dtrimati іх sі svogo side. The old man priklyaviv sopozitsiyu sina, aja yak sportsman, who lived in an hour living with Ternopolis to spend his time, zazdalegіd zirchivshis pidtrimkoyu head Ternopilsk ODO of Stepan Barney, were home about private training sessions at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time at a time and having to go to the commanders to take part in the exercises, they had a home for them to go to the commanders, who went to work for them at home, and they had fun for them to go to the commanders to take part in the commanders of the Ternopil ODA, Stepan Barney, who were home to the commanders to take control of the headquarters in the school, and they used to go to work for them at home.. Purchased solodoshchі that іnshu provіzіyu і brought їх straight_sіnko y vіskovu part. At the checkpoint, guests have already checked vіiskovosluzhbovtsі. Yakim, however, was the building, if the commander himself, Colonel Sergiy Baranov. Having come to know the young patriot, the guests passed into the center of de balla zazdalegіd splanana ekkurs_ya. You got to єdinoi at the Zbroynih forces of Ukraine, the studios of the battle glory, became aware of the help of the matchmaker, went through the territory, went about building soldiers. Karen ta yogogo batko Norik Gevorkyan, the boules of the adversaries of the defeated, were rozpovіdi about the health of the young patry, about the first war.
After a stroll, a young guest was asked from a soldier for a long time, who had bored the soldiers. In an hour, I’m going to take care of Karen’s life by means of Ternopils and Territories, and I’m planning to help me with booths, and Roses, and I have a strong army, I’m and I, and I have a strong army, and I’m sy.. From tsiomu vipadku want to put the boy with the vormenian korіnnyam that love'u to ukrayanskih zahisnikіv u butt. Pіdrostaє spravzhnіy patrіt with a great heart, Kotrii with young lіt tsіnu it is quiet, who takes the grace of his Fatherland.