The US Embassy provides support in informing Luhansk oblast schoolchildren about mine danger

18 September 2018, 08:21 | The Company
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This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense: In Luhansk, under the patronage of the Embassy of the United States of America in Ukraine, the three-thirds realiza- tion of the project "Zmenshennia rizikiv travmuvannya ta zagibeli detei vid mnen mien". Bezosezrednya organizatsiya zanitseyuyutsya fahivtsy gromadskoi organizatsii "Liga otitseriv" ??near tіsnіy vzasmodії z ovitserami tsivilno-vіys'kovogo spіvrobnitnitsva staff of the General Forces. Schools, yaki buli for schooling, to be held as close as possible to the local level, to be paid on trainers for the sake of education,. The correctness of such a richenna odrazna was known as her penitentiary at the Nizhnyotteklivskyi Zagalnoosvitnii School No. 1 in the Stanichno-Lugansky District, where the presence of those present at the workplace had been misunderstood, but the stench of his young youth had been repeatedly mixed with vibuhonebezpechnymi objects. Nazhal Taqiy mill will only be sold speeches to zvikannya pіdlіtkіv to nebezpeki, to pid hour Venue of take, dіtyam spochatku nadaєtsya іnformatsіya about nebezpeku, yak carry mіni that INSHI vibuhonebezpechnі items, and vzhe potіm for Relief multimedіynogo obladnannya that drukovanih spetsіalіzovanih materіalіv to UNICHEM sluhachіv shall communicate korisnі Porada from power. - Until the bully is taken, it is close to 80 uchvіv 5-10-х класів, які за своїм віком є ??найбільш соціально активю категорією школярів. Tomu, spilkuvannya trainers in the teachings passed in the atmosphere of the ruminant dialogue, de kozhen uchasnik moe povne the right not to hang his duma, but to vignet on the negotiating vlasnі propositions, - the director of the school Ірина Власенко. In his Chernov kerivnik project Andriy Kushnir pidsumovuyuchi Pershi resulti tsієї roboti especially accentuating on the fact that it is important to know about the peaceful existence of an important investment in a peaceful life that has been piled up in the agrarian community in Lugansk. Нагадаємо, що проект «Зменшення ризиків травмування та загибелі дітей від земних мін» здійснюється під патронатом to the fund сприяння демократії Embassy of the United States in Ukraine та охоплює 23 загальноосвітні школи Луганської області, які наближені до лінії зіткнення сторін. Bezposerednyu realizatsiyu project zdіysnyu gromadskaya organizatsiya "Liga ofitseriv" ??for pidtrymki Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Ministry of Science of Ukraine.

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