Cybersport in Ukraine: the pros and cons of a gamer's life

18 September 2018, 07:32 | The Company
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The rise of the domestic e-sports market after the success of such projects as NaVi, Dream Team and DMarket promises to this sphere in the Ukrainian market a bright cybersport future. But let's try to figure out what are the advantages and disadvantages of this sport.

Minus # 1. Incontinence of income.

To a gamer had a decent earnings from participating in tournaments, it is necessary not only to play, but to win. Prizes for which it is worth fighting, are found at competitions of the international level, whereas in Ukraine gamers play more for interest or for minimal fees. But winning the global arena is not so easy, and getting into an international tournament is worth a lot of money. If the player is sure that he wants to try his hand, then you can get money for the trip either on loan or online at the link https: // creditop. com. ua /.

Minus # 2. The reputation of the gamer Socium in Ukraine is not ready to accept gamers as a full-fledged profession. The environment will still consider the player as simply an avid dot-com fan. The relatives can wait for years until the player finds a "normal" job, respectively, the relationship can be strained. It is important for a beginner gamer to adhere to a positive image, for example, Reebok CrossFit clothing and crosses will help to demonstrate to the surrounding people a clear belonging to the world of sports and success in this field.

Minus # 3. Time.

Round-the-clock hanging up on the web is not yet eSports. You need to devote a lot of time and energy to professional growth, practice tactics, learn demos from tournaments, analyze the behavior and life style of successful players and other. Achievements come only to those who are fully committed to e-sports, sacrificing relationships and personal life.

And now let's go over the advantages, some of them can surprise the unsophisticated readers.

Plus number 1. Low entry threshold To start, cybersport needs only good computer equipment, which can be purchased at the online store https: // luckylink. kiev. ua /, and you can collect the command remotely. Actually, there is not so much cost for a good start: components, electricity and Internet payment are relatively inexpensive in Ukraine. A high school student can become a gamer, if his parents support him, there is no need for capital to enter the niche.

Plus number 2. Revenues The high prize pools of tournaments are only the tip of the iceberg. In Ukraine, e-sports is already such a developed niche of the entertainment market that in it, as in any sports industry, not only players but also spectators can earn. These are betting on betting, analytics, predicting winnings, as well as the entire scope of service for cyber sportsmen and teams - from coaching to making souvenirs for competitions. Cybersport in Ukraine can bring a lot of money to all interested parties.

Plus number 3. Development.

In e-sports, many stars are born who become celebrities no less than footballers and singers. Gadgets for e-sports are becoming more complicated, new video cards, processors and modems are emerging, more powerful ones that can provide uninterrupted and fast operation of gaming computers. This leads to the growth of the market for parallel niches - computers and software, IT-development and other. Cybersport forces many areas of the market in Ukraine to develop, which can not but rejoice.

Plus number 4. Joy and pleasure Professional gamers say they feel in demand in a team, they like to be part of something big, participate in international competitions, grow and see their progress, become more confident and successful.

Personal growth in e-sports is just as motivating as for ordinary athletes. Favorite occupation and profitable business is a rare combination for work, but here it can be achieved in reality, it's just great to play computer games.

It turns out that there are more advantages, but this does not mean that every Ukrainian can become a cybersport. It simply expands opportunities for self-realization, and also helps to earn a living in a way that combines hobbies and business in one person.

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