Yekaterinburg thunderstorm makeup, being under investigation, surrounded the tent cheerleader in the fan zone in the CPC & O

03 July 2018, 11:28 | The Company
photo JustMedia
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The indefatigable thunderstorm of make-up artists, who are already serving a sentence for theft, will answer for another crime. Prosecutor's Office of the Oktyabrsky district approved the indictment on the criminal case of theft with significant damage.

June 11, just two days before the trial of another criminal case of the theft of cell phones of female students of the UrFU, a woman, the mother of two young children, one of whom was then 4 months old, went to the fan zone tent at Mayakovskiy Park and Civic Center. In the tent was stripped of cheerleaders who spoke at the festival of fans. The woman kidnapped several cell phones and money cheerleaders and safely disappeared. The damage amounted to 85 thousand rubles.

At the trial in the old criminal case, the defendant stated that she did not need money, that her husband fully provides for it, and parents sometimes help with money.

In June 2018, the court sentenced her for stealing cellular phones to imprisonment for 1 year and 8 months in a general-regime colony. Obviously, now a new one will be added by this time, and mother will not see the first steps of her younger child. A new criminal case was sent to the Oktyabrsky District Court.

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