Ombudsman supported the right of LGBT people to freely express their views

13 June 2018, 14:28 | The Company
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Відкрите звернення Уповноваженого Верховної Ради України з прав людини schodo не неприпустимості підбурювання до дисримінації та violence on відношенню до учасників Маршу Рівності.

The cutaneous fate is radically adjusted by the gromadyans to be invaded by zirvati "March of the world" - an act on the adherence to the rights of the people who are irresponsibly in the sexually ori- entation, gender identity,.

I want to sign out, scho і tsiogo once puublichna diskusіya dovkola tsyogo zahoda nabuvaє zagrozlivo за zabarnocheststі. Pogrozi vlashtuvati so zvan "safaris" with prizes for skin-battered pravozasiznika, publichnі domovostі pro riznomanitny show ksenofobії pіd hour of the performance of the act - all the time zmushuє mene zvernutisya to vseih gromadyan і to dermal - okremo.

Constitution of Ukraine and the Convention on the Rights of the People and the Fundamental Freedoms, the right to peace, freedom, freedom of vision, the guarantee of the skin of the people. Підкреслюю - кожній. Realizatsiya tsikh rights and freedoms moe bouti efektivno zabezpechena not tilki v vypadka, if the individual, the right to be seen, vislovlyuyut priinyatnі for bilshosty look, if you look vislovlyuvani є unpopular, mozhut shokuvati abo wiklikati zanepokoinnya in suspіlstі.

Inadmissible є be-yaka disinfection, in that number for the knowledge of sexual and orthodontic attainment of gender and identity. Inadmissible ? pidburyuvannya before such disinfection, and tim billy - to violence.

Especially the vis-a-vis for vyslovyuvannya, yaki directly abused, can be summoned to rozpolenna vorozhneci and provocations of physical violence and protest,.

I want to nagadati, but the right not to zahischayutsya neobyruontovanny vyzalivi vyslovyulyannya, yakі prinizhyuyut cheloveku honor і gіdnist, pidburyuvannya to diskriminacії ta gorozhnecі.

I have posted a zverennya up to the neck Natsionalnoye politsii Sergiy Knyazev ta Kyivskiy mіs'kogo golovі Vіtalіya The name of the prokhanniam vzhiti in the intercourse їхньої компетенції всіх можливих заходів для забезпечення безперешкодного та бепечного проведення Маршу рівності його учасниками.

I do not hesitate, I do not become uncomplicated with the lack of publicity of the rulers before the vikonannya of my direct obovozyaziv on the hard, yak for a democratic syspilstva, zebezpechennu cich rights and freedoms, zokrema y right to peace zybrannya that freedom virazhenna poglyadiv.

I'm just calling out all the aggressively adjusting the Gromadyans tolerantly to the "Marshu Rivnosti", which is to stick to democratic suspilstvo. A mіstsevu Vlad i pravoohoronnі organi vіdnayti resources i doklasti maximum zusil to prevent nagnіtannya situation dovkola Venue of sunset, zabezpechiti dієvu BEZPEKA participant Marsh od mozhlivih aktіv fіzichnoї agresії oponentіv s side, and rezultatі - efektivnosti realіzatsіyu them garantovanih Konstitutsієyu Ukraine rights i freedoms Lyudin.

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