To sign a declaration with a doctor is your right, not an obligation

11 April 2018, 10:34 | The Company
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On April 2, a start-up campaign started. Ukrainians must choose a doctor and sign a declaration with him. In fact, this is the start of the medreform, which begins with the doctors of primary medicine - family doctors, therapists and pediatricians.

The declaration confirms that the patient has chosen a doctor and wants to be serviced by him. So he informs the state that payment for treatment should be charged exactly to that medical institution where the doctor works, writes Today.

You can sign the declaration with any therapist, family doctor or pediatrician, regardless of the place of residence or residence. A doctor may refuse to sign the declaration in only one case - if he has scored the maximum number of patients. Thus, a family doctor can serve 1800 patients, a therapist - 2000, a pediatrician - 900. For doctors working in villages, this figure may be greater. For example, if there are 2,000 people living in the village, they can all sign a declaration from one family doctor.

The declaration can and should not be signed. But then the state will not pay for the doctor's work for patient care. If a person needs emergency care, the doctor will provide it regardless of whether the patient signed the declaration or not.

Since 2020, the medreform will come into force completely and then the doctor will not be obliged to provide primary medical care to the patient who refuses to sign the declaration. Since 2020, primary doctors will receive money only for patients with whom he has signed a declaration.

For one patient the doctor will receive 370 UAH per year. But private doctors are refusing medreforma, although Ukrainians can sign the declaration and take off.

In the course of the reform, the rules for calling a doctor at home. Now the doctor may not come if he thinks that the patient can come himself.

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