Ex-head Sverdlovsk investigators called the real reason for the resignation

10 April 2018, 08:30 | The Company
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Former head of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk region Valery Zadorin officially commented on the reasons for his resignation. He resigned in connection with his retirement. The appeal is published on the website of the regional department.

"I decided to leave the service in the bodies of the Russian Committee for Closure in connection with the retirement of seniority. I am convinced that the SS SK team in the Sverdlovsk region will continue to work in the interests of the region, fulfill the complex and responsible tasks in the fight against crime, set by the Russian president and the chairman of the SC of Russia, "Zadorin wrote.

Recall, on April 6, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the dismissal of the head of the SS of the FC RF in the Sverdlovsk region Valery Zadorin. Unofficially, this resignation is associated with the case of the "Tagil borzot".

On June 9, 2017, during a working meeting with Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, Vladimir Putin said that the director of the Nizhny Tagil plant does not pay salaries to workers. The President proposed to connect the General Prosecutor's Office. And already on Monday, July 10, began to pay debts on wages.

In August 2017, the second department to investigate particularly important cases of the Russian SSR in the Sverdlovsk region brought a final accusation against the 34-year-old director of the Nizhny Tagil Heat Insulation Plant. Against the entrepreneur brought four criminal cases.

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