Popular ways to protect against colds: every second does not work!

12 January 2018, 20:39 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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The current wet and rainy winter theme of protection against colds is particularly relevant. We offer to recall the six most well-known methods of prevention of acute respiratory viral infection, which you yourself have most likely used more than once. But do they really work? Or is it just a myth? Let's figure it out..

To start: 3 ways to prevent, which do not affect viruses 1. Vitamin C Scientifically proven that even "shock" doses of vitamin C do not prevent the disease, but only help to strengthen the immune system. Although, of course, this effect also contributes to the fight against infection.

Antibiotics Acting on bacteria, this group of medicines will help to prevent the so-called "secondary infection". But it will be absolutely powerless against the main source of "problems" - viruses that cause flu and ARVI!.

Moreover, antibiotics destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria in your body and further weaken the immune system.

Onions and garlic They are certainly useful and are one of the most popular folk remedies for catarrhal diseases. However, having a predominantly bactericidal effect, onions and garlic are unlikely to be able to protect you from the respiratory virus.

And now - 3 really effective ways of prevention!.

Washing of the nose with saline solutions is one of the best means of protection against influenza and ARVI. Its effectiveness is to restore and strengthen the nasal mucosa. This makes it an impenetrable barrier to infections!.

Irrigating the throat with antiseptic sprays that exert such effects as:.

antiviral and antibacterial;.




Use of Oxolin Ointment.

The effectiveness of oxoline was confirmed in Soviet times. It is proved that in 45-50% of cases the funds based on oxoline prevent the disease with influenza and other ARVI. But there is an important point: use oxolin should be every 4 hours during and after visiting public places or contact with the source of infection.

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