In Turkey, dozens of people were imprisoned because of ties with the organization of Gyulen

28 December 2017, 09:44 | The Company
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This is reported by the publication Anadolu.

With regard to Adyayan province, the court sentenced two lawyers accused of having links with FETO, appointing them a sentence of nine and twelve years in prison, respectively.

In turn, in the province of Adana, the ex-head of the police department was sentenced to nine years in prison, seven more people were sentenced to three to nine years.

In the provinces of Antalya and Kahramanmarash, the courts delivered on Wednesday a sentence of 15 suspects in a similar case, for periods ranging from one to nine years.

In the provinces of Shanl?urfa and Gaziantep, two accused were sentenced to jail for a term of six to nine years.

As previously reported in URA-Inform, the American cities of New York, San Francisco and Philadelphia filed a lawsuit in the Federal Court of Virginia against the US Department of Defense. According to the leadership of the city, the department does not bother to report that their unsuitable employees can not carry arms.

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