The legendary speaker Nick Vuychich again became a father

22 December 2017, 16:16 | The Company
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Joyful news Nick shared on his Facebook page, posting photos of his wife and children.

In his post he thanked everyone who prayed and supported the family. "Olivia and Ellie's babies were born directly in the mother's birthday. Each weighs just over two kilograms. Kanae and the girls feel fine. Thank God! "- wrote Nick.

Note that in 2012 Vuychich married Kanae Miyahara. In February 2013, the pair had a firstborn named Kiyoshi James, and two years later their second son, Dejan Levy, was born.

Nick Vuychich was born in 1982 in Melbourne with a rare genetic disease. A man does not have limbs - only a small foot.

At 19, Nick first publicly described how he coped with the ridicule of others. Now he has become a motivational coach, known throughout the world.

As previously reported in URA-Inform, known for the role of Dr. Bernadette in the film The Big Bang Theory, 37-year-old actress Melissa Raush gave birth to her first child. Actress and her husband, screenwriter and producer Winston Raush became happy parents of her daughter Sadie Raush. Happy parents do not hide their emotions and become their most important news.

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