Гройсмна has declared, that knew about espionage activity of the detained official not one month

22 December 2017, 13:55 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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Not one month in the Cabinet knew that there was a suspicion and that he was working for foreign special services. This Friday, during an hour of questions to the government in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman.

According to him, thanks to the SBU, he had been under the care for a long time. Of course, with the assistance of the CMU and my staff, "Groisman said, adding that the official had previously worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Presidential Administration, the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers.

At the same time, the prime minister assured that Yezhov had no access to state secrets. Recall, December 20, the Security Service of Ukraine detained an official of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on suspicion of working for the special services of the Russian Federation (RF). The detainee was Stanislav Yezhov.

According to information published on the official website of the government, Yezhov is deputy head of the protocol of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman. It should be noted that in Yezhov's e-declaration it is stated that his wife is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

As reported URA-Inform, yesterday the Security Service of Ukraine announced suspicion to the detained official of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Stanislav Yezhov. Now, the investigators of the department are preparing an appeal to the investigating judge with a petition to elect the detainee a preventive measure.

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