Over the past day in the Donbass killed one soldier, two wounded

22 December 2017, 10:22 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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The enemy opened fire 16 times on positions of Armed forces of Ukraine. As a result of military operations, one soldier was killed. At the same time, two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded. According to URA-Inform, referring to the press center of the ATU headquarters, the aggressor continues to use weapons prohibited by the "Minsk agreements".

In particular, yesterday militants fired from tanks and heavy mortars.

So, on the Lugansk direction in the afternoon, towards the Ukrainian defenders near the Crimean enemy sniper fired, and around midnight around this settlement militants opened fire from mortars of various calibers. Of the grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns, the invaders fired at Svetlodarsk.

In the Donetsk direction hotter was nearby Peskov. Here militants fired at positions of Ukrainian defenders from mortars of 82-caliber, grenade launchers and machine guns, and then increased the pressure and used tank armament and 120-mm mortars.

In other parts of the Ukrainian defense it is restless in the suburbs of Avdeevka and near Kamenka, where the enemy repeatedly fired on Ukrainian fortifications with mortars and infantry weapons.

Recall the last day Wednesday, December 20, in the area of ??the anti-terrorist operation were also restless. Russian mercenaries and subordinate militants opened fire on our positions 15 times. As a result of the fighting, one serviceman was killed, four were wounded.

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