The London court seized the assets of Grigorishin

22 December 2017, 09:29 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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The arrest was imposed as part of an interim measure to enforce the court's decision to pay more than $ 300 million to companies of Vladimir Lukyanenko and Vadim Novinskog. According to LIGA. net, the decision was taken at the meeting on December 20.

It concerns, among other things, such Ukrainian companies as Zaporozhtransformator, Turboatom, Sumy NGO, Ukrrechflot, Zaporozhye Cable Plant, Svarog Asset Management,.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, the High Court of England on Wednesday evening, December 20, issued an order for the worldwide seizure of assets of Ukrainian businessmen Igor Kolomoysky and Gennady Bogolyubov. Total assets amount to $ 2.5 billion.

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