The results of military-patriotic education were summed up in Kharkiv

20 December 2017, 03:03 | The Company
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On the basis of the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs, the Coordinating Council of the Kharkov Regional State Administration was held, dedicated to the issues of national and patriotic upbringing. The meeting was held by the Deputy Chairman and Head of the Regional State Administration Anatoly Babichev, the Eastern UTO Information and Communication Group.

"This year was full of new events, holding international, all-Ukrainian, regional events with the participation of the region's community. And we, indeed, paid considerable attention to the issues of national and patriotic education in the educational, medical, sports, cultural and other spheres. I am confident that next year our work will be even more fruitful. We have many proposals on how to improve the work of the council. We will take into account all ideas, "said Anatoly Babichev.

Addressing the audience, the rector of the university, General Police of the third rank Valery Sokurenko noted that the work on national and patriotic education is permanent, predictable and justified, takes into account the contemporary needs and views of young people on the main vectors of nation-wide development. The main goal of national-patriotic education is the formation of patriotic self-awareness among the young generation, readiness to fulfill civil and constitutional duty to protect the interests of the state, the desire to participate in activities aimed at its development and preservation of national and cultural traditions.

From the Eastern Territorial Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine, the event was attended by Deputy Chief of the Department for Work with Personnel Colonel Vasily Pilipenko.

+ + Recall that due to the established interaction with the main education administration in the Kharkov region, social advertising with the call to enter the military service on contract to the National Guard of Ukraine is located in 28 higher educational institutions, 40 technical schools, 40 vocational and technical schools in Kharkov, as well as on a regular basis, military-patriotic upbringing activities are carried out both in military units and educational institutions.

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