Over the past day due to bad weather, more than 1.3 thousand accidents occurred - PHOTO,

20 December 2017, 00:24 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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In Kiev, there were 367 accidents, of which 13 were injured. However, the press service of the National Police of Ukraine assured that the situation is controlled.

According to the department, the country has already partially launched traffic. Patrol police patrols escort and organize convoys of freight transport to ensure their unhindered passage through Kiev along the route of movement of trucks.

According to the deputy head of the National Police, Alexander Fatsevich, at the moment the biggest problem is the Kyiv region. Here on the roads of which for a large number of trucks, congestion in traffic that could be associated with accidents.

At the same time, he assured that currently there are about 60 patrol police officers on the streets of the capital and the Kiev region. Police provide road safety. In addition, they help the participants of the movement who are in a difficult situation due to weather conditions, and also deliver hot tea to drivers who were on the way to Kiev.

The help points for drivers work on the border of Zhytomyr and Kiev region, at the entrances to Kiev, as well as in Zhytomyr and Vinnitsa regions. It is noted that, in connection with weather conditions, in addition to Kiev, the movement in Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr, Cherkassy and Kirovograd regions is partially restricted, "said Fatsevich.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, on the highway "Kiev-Odessa", on the border of the Cherkasy and Kiev regions, stands on the sidelines of 40 trucks.

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