"Father with arms" declared a hunger strike in the Belarusian colony

19 December 2017, 19:18 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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Condemned Orthodox priest Alexander Burykin announced on December 15 in the colony hunger strike. About this report to the portal tut. by his daughter Alexandra.

The main requirement of the convict is to meet with a lawyer and representatives of the Russian embassy.

Earlier, in his address to the president, Burykin said that on October 14 they launched a procedure for the cancellation of permission for his residence in Belarus. Once the priest is released, he is deported to his homeland, to Russia.

As previously reported, an Orthodox priest from the village of Gatovo near Minsk, Konstantin Burykin was detained in November 2016. He was accused of storing weapons and ammunition.

It turned out that at home Burykin kept discs with the military chronicle of the Third Reich, in his office he had a swastika in the form of a swastika, and the swastika was stuffed in the form of a tattoo.

On July 10, 2017, the Zavodskoy District Court of Minsk found him guilty of illegal possession of arms and ammunition and sentenced him to three years in prison in an intensive regime colony. He is serving his sentence in penal colony No. 17 in Shklov.

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