In China, authorities in social networks sent out invitations to the imposition of death sentences

19 December 2017, 16:44 | The Company
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Court of the Chinese province of Guangdong sentenced ten people to death. Seven of them were convicted for crimes related to drugs, the rest - for murder and looting, reports The Guardian. Four days before the public trial, which was held in front of thousands of spectators in downtown Lufeng, the locals received invitations to this event in social networks.

Ten prisoners sentenced to death were brought in padded wagons to the sound of sirens. Each offender was accompanied by four policemen wearing sunglasses. The convicts took turns and went on stage and listened to their sentence. Then they were taken away to bring the decision of the court into execution.

According to the correspondent of The Guardian, the audience took pictures of what was happening on mobile phones, smoked, communicated with each other. Among those present there were also schoolchildren and students.

The judicial system of China is known for the fact that prosecutors and courts have a conviction rate of 99.9%. According to the information of the human rights organization Dui Hua Foundation, last year in the country were carried out about 2 thousand death sentences. The authorities of China do not disclose official statistics. Public trials are extremely rare in the country.

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