Ukraine intends to agree on a cease-fire for the holidays, - Marchuk

19 December 2017, 15:58 | The Company
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They will be devoted to the issue of ceasefire on the entire contact line for the holidays and winter vacations. This was announced on Tuesday, December 19, by the representative of Ukraine in the working subgroup on security issues Evgeny Marchuk.

According to him, on the agenda of the Working Group on Security Issues, in which he represents Ukraine - seven difficult questions.

At the same time, the first will be an attempt to agree on a ceasefire along the entire contact line, at least for the period of New Year and Christmas holidays and winter vacations, writes the politician on his Facebook page. He also explained that the technology has already been developed and tested, it worked in 2016, when it was possible to keep the regime of complete silence for six weeks. The so-called grain and school truce in 2017 were unsuccessful, "notes Marchuk.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, Contact Group in Minsk conducts additional verification of prisoners. This is necessary because of the refusal of detained militants to return to the territory of the occupied Donbas. On Tuesday, December 12, a representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup of the contact group Irina Gerashchenko reported on her Facebook page. According to her, the parties discussed technical issues related to the release of hostages before the New Year and Christmas holidays.

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