Netherlands ready to help Ukraine in financing social programs

19 December 2017, 15:53 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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This was stated by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine Ed Hoeks.

He is sure that only through joint efforts it is possible to restore peace and legal settlement in the east of Ukraine. Ambassador personally for three years is taking part in the program of restoring peace in the regions.

Ed Hoeks saw with his own eyes the positive results of the implementation of the program and their positive impact, albeit small, but very important. The Netherlands clearly adhere to the sanctions course aimed against the aggressive policy of Russia.

"The implementation of social justice will help end the conflict in the east," the ambassador concludes..

As reported in "URA-Inform", the Cabinet recently approved a program for the restoration and development of peace in the Donbass.

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