"Turin Pulp and Paper Plant" fined for dropping into the local river ammonia

19 December 2017, 08:53 | The Company
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"Turin Pulp and Paper Plant" discharged sewage into the river Tura. The prosecutor's office caught the enterprise and issued an order to remove the violation. However, the management of the plant did not comply with it.

"In September of this year, the plant dropped pollutants into the river Tura with wastewater with excess of the established standards for ammonia, as well as lignosulfonate (a by-product of wood processing).

At the same time, the company had an opportunity to purify sewage, but this was not done, "the Sverdlovsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office.

The decision of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Urals Federal District CJSC "Turin Pulp and Paper Plant" and the general director of the enterprise were fined 31 thousand rubles and 3 thousand rubles.

In addition, a presentation was made to Turin Pulp and Paper Mill, according to which the enterprise should take additional measures to clean up discharged sewage.

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