Minister of Health Trofimov will come to Beloyarsk region to solve the situation with the scandalous CRH

19 December 2017, 07:41 | The Company
photo JustMedia
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Deputy Head of Beloyarsky District Vladislav Gilev Meets with Minister of Health Igor Trofimov. The topic of the discussion was "the deplorable state of medicine in the district," an official wrote on his personal Facebook page.

"Dialogue was more like a report. He informed the minister about the real situation (based on the appeals of citizens and doctors). Many moments, he was surprised and angered, "he said..

Trofimov and Gilev agreed that, for an objective view of the problem and its solution, the relevant minister would arrive in the Beloyarsk region. Unknown date.

Recall that the administration of the Beloyarsk GO sent a letter (at the disposal of the editorial staff) to the Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Trofimov, with a request to understand the situation in the CRH.

The letter was signed by Vladislav Gilev. Officials wrote that local residents came with complaints about the large-scale reduction of doctors and as a result the lack of the necessary number of doctors (somewhere there is not even a medical assistant) and the "terrible state of health facilities". The letter notes that the premises are without repair for dozens of years.

December 6, 2017 the portal JustMedia. ru wrote that in the Beloyarsk CRH, drowned in debt, gasoline ends. Because of this situation, the region can "get up fast". On the same day, the administration of the hospital managed to agree with the Belorechensky agroholding on the supply of 2,800 liters of gasoline.

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