Militants bombarded Novolugansk, suffered four civilians

18 December 2017, 21:39 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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As a result of the shelling, four local residents were injured. As the press center of the headquarters of the anti-terrorist operation informs, about five o'clock in the evening militants from the Gorlovka settlement opened barbaric, cynical fire from multiple rocket fire systems in the village of Novoluganskoye. At the same time, private houses were damaged by artillery. Several houses were hit by shells.

According to preliminary information, eight homes are severely damaged, two of them still burn.

As of seven o'clock in the evening, it is known about two injured women and two men. In the locality the operational headquarters is deployed, additional police outfits are sent to the scene.

The police pre-qualified the incident as a Terrorist act.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the ATU zone in the Donbass for the past day as a result of fighting killed three soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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