In the near future, militants can launch an offensive along the entire contact line, the headquarters of the ATU

18 December 2017, 11:26 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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According to the press center of the anti-terrorist operation headquarters, the situation is complicated by the statement of the Russian Defense Ministry about the intention to withdraw Russian officers from the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire and Stabilization of the Line of Delineation. In addition, according to the headquarters, the militants plan to intensify the work of their intelligence groups at the military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the facilities of the energy and transport infrastructure, increase the number of provocative shelling towards our positions and residential neighborhoods near the line of demarcation.

The headquarters also believes that to accuse ATU forces of violating the Minsk accords, the militants intend to more often fire their positions from large-caliber barrel artillery, reactive systems, tanks and other weapons.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, Russian mercenaries and subordinate militants during the last day in the Donbass continued to violate the Minsk agreement. The enemy used prohibited weapons, in particular mortars and heavy artillery. As a result of the fighting, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed.

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