The Russian political scientist has put forward the unexpected version concerning capture by Russians of Crimea

18 December 2017, 10:55 | The Company
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Most Russians welcomed the annexation of the Crimea not because they needed the Ukrainian peninsula, but because this step looked in their eyes as a feat of the Kremlin.

This opinion was expressed in an interview with the "Observer" by Russian political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin.

"Good sociologists who understand sociocultural things say: people are happy not so much to join the Crimea - they have no money in this Crimea to go. They are pleased that Russia has violated international rules, "he said..

As explained by the political scientist, the citizens of Russia have a specific idea of ??the feat as such. For them, the feat is not the end of the war, not peacekeeping initiatives. "A feat is when someone was given a face. Or even not given in the face, but spit on the international rules ".

Thus, by annexing the Crimea, the state of Russia, "in their submission," demonstrated strength, because it violated the rules "imposed by us by the United States".

"We put them on the device, and it causes delight - that we finally got up off our knees," Oreshkin explained to the logic of the average Russian resident.

At the same time, he remarked: "The Crimea is no longer relevant, it has ceased to please, but I would like a new feat".

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